The Symbolism of the Knights Templar - my upcoming talk at the London College of Psychic Studies

Today, on the 11th...which is my lucky number, the number of my birth date and time as well as the most intuitive and Templar Master Number, I am extremely pleased to announce the first of my talks/workshops on the Knights Templar with my beloved The College of Psychic Studies in London. Talk on April 4th 2024 at 7 pm, which will feature my own videos and be interactive, will be online so everyone can attend worldwide.


In the shadows of myths and symbols lies the heartbeat of history. Explore the profound connection between them as we unravel the coded messages that define human experience in this livestream talk.

Join us to meet the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon by travelling back in time, where the enigmatic whispers of symbolism reveal untold truths.

Enter the hidden realm of symbols, where words falter but icons endure. Discover the Gothic Cathedrals' three-dimensional code, the 'langue verte' – a language of initiation.

From the Pythagoreans to the Templars, witness the alchemical transmutation of symbols and how they transcend mere images, embracing colours, numbers and spiritual origins.

Book now for an intriguing introductory exploration of the lost symbols of the Knights Templar, encoded in stone, echoing secrets embedded in plain view. "Decoding the Symbolism of the Knights Templar" – where every symbol tells a story, and every story holds a key.

EXCLUSIVE TALK - BOOK TODAY! (recorded for those who cannot attend in person due to time zones/etc)

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Throughout its history, and since it was formed, over a century and a half ago, the College has aimed to foster psychic ability and mediumship at its highest level. It has been host to many of the greatest names in this field. I have been proud to have been a member for almost a decade and have trained here, but really proud to now be lecturing at a place that has given so much to me and the world.

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