Everything is made up of fragments of energy but some energies can negatively affect our wellbeing. Identify and protect yourself from them.
This unique two-session event brings light to a shadowy topic that is often avoided as taboo but nevertheless exists, regardless of whether or not we acknowledge its existence. Science has confirmed that everything is made up of fragments of energy but some energies can negatively affect our wellbeing. Identify and protect yourself from them.
Regardless of whether or not we are aware of energy within us (the chakras & aura) and in the Universe, we radiate and are affected by energy in all we do. And not all energy is beneficial for our wellbeing. In fact some energies may negatively disrupt our lives, causing pain, grief, chaos and physical as well as mental illness. Protection against negative energies can be traced back thousands of years, from shamans in stone-age times to some of the oldest civilisations the Sumerians and Egyptians, to druids, cunning men and witches in medieval times in present day.
Things that may lack any explanation are most often associated with negative energies. For example random noises, the movement or disappearance of objects, being touched or watched, cold spots, inexplicable puddles of water, electrical breakdowns, unpleasant smells, seeing shadows or perceiving movement, extreme tiredness or constant bad luck or the feeling of being "stuck" and at a standstill in one or more aspects of your life. These symptoms are usually tell-tale signs that an energy clearing is needed if issues resist any other attemps at resolving them. Having worked over 30 years in the paranormal and specialising in energies and sacred geography (like ley lines), I'm well aware of the havoc they can cause in people but also locations and offer private consultations/services to clear entities, negative energies, psychic attack and geopathic stress from your home, business or land.
If your business is failing, are unable to sell your house, your children experience ongoing nightmares or pets are affected by something that you cannot see, a space clearing or healing from negative energies is needed. Especially if you are having health issues without a diagnosable cause or feel extreme fatigue yet your health check-ups show no issues.
This two-week session course (3 hours per week) aims to provide an introduction to the most common types of negative energies that can be encountered daily. You will learn how to recognise and clear these negative energies in yourself and in others, but also in places that may affect you such as at work, your home and in everyday life situations.
The course is ideal for all levels and will benefit everyone who attends but is a must for anyone working with the public, medical professionals and also paranormal investigation teams.
Negative energies included in this course:
Thought forms
Cutting psychic cords
Psychic attack
Space clearing
Basic protection at home, work and in everyday life situations
Unique event. Book today! Two three-hour sessions on Thursday 15 and 22 December (6 hours)